Bike Ride to Khabeki Lake and Kanhatti

Here's another of my bike rides I undertook on Sunday 20th. The journey started at about 7:30am, five of us on three bikes, the destination was the Kanhatti garden in the famous Soun valley.

Both ways we did a total of about 150km ride. Following are the pics with the commentary.

Just as you are about to start climbing the hill, you pass through two gate-like pillars with a brief history of this passage:

The Kanhatti garden:

A natural spring in the garden:

Bikes in the parking lot:

Walking through the garden our way was blocked by this camel whose intentions did not seem too good so we changed our course:

We could see very small fish in this water but not big enough to be captured by the camera's eye:

The garden is pretty vast and rich with shady trees:

Here we enjoyed the cold water for some time:

Ready to head on your way to the Khabeki Lake:

Our rides:

The road:

The CD70 guys were too slow!!

Arrival at Khabeki Lake:

Old graves, I wonder if these are of the soldiers from the world war!

An old tree
